How the American Hospital Association engages members through recognition awards

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How the American Hospital Association uses the Reviewr Award Management Software to engage members through recognition awards.

In this webinar, Kyle sits down with Cecily and Jane to discuss the American Hospital Associations recognition awards and how they plan on leveraging the Reviewr award management software to engage members through the award program.

In this webinar we discuss:
  • Introduction to the AHA awards.
  • Award nomination/application process
  • The administrative workflow
  • Review committee selection process

The award nomination and application workflow

  • Transition to Reviewr increases both the volume and quality of nominations submitted.
  • 3-month application/nomination window.
  • Multiple types of nomination/application workflows.
    • 1) Nomination based
      • Nominate someone else.
      • Nomination is used as the material that gets reviewed.
      • Nominee never finds out they are nominated unless selected.
    • 2) Self-application
      • The program requires large amounts of personal data.
      • Submissions are created by the nominee and not nominated by a peer.
      • 3) Hybrid
        • The process starts with a peer award nomination.
          • Short and simple.
          • Often used as a marketing outreach effort. 
          • Low barrier to nominate. Increased volume.
      • Nominee gets notified.
        • The nominee then submits their award application.
        • The application contains the meat of the data.

Scholarship Application Form 

    • Puts the “time on task” on the nominee vs the nominator.
    • Better data accuracy since content comes directly from the nominee.
      • Creates a fair and consistent judging process
  • Award nomination/application content:
    • Personal information
      • Can later be blinded.
    • Narratives/essays
    • File uploads
      • Letters of Recommendation
        • Can use the Reviewr guest attachment feature.
          • Triggers notification to the letter writer to upload directly themselves.
      • Supporting documents
        • Leverages Reviewr embedded document viewer.
        • All types of files including photos and videos.

Scholarship Application File Uploads

  • Required data capture
    • Prevents award nominees from submitting with incomplete nominations.
  • Auto-save and ability to work at own pace.
    • Greater user experience.
    • Allows for program admin to track progress.

Interested in the hybrid nominator/nominee workflow? Check out the “Optimal award nomination process”.


The award Management Workflow

  • Monitor data in real-time.
    • Applicants often wait until the last minute deadline.
    • Monitor submissions who are in progress.
    • Send automated reminder emails to “in progress”.
      • Reminder campaigns begin a month out from the entry deadline.
      • Integration allows sending of emails from personal address to avoid spam filters and increases open rates.
    • Creates insights into potential total volume and a leading indicator if additional review members are needed.
  • All-in-one award management software portal.

AdminDashboard 5

  • Track review committee progress.
  • Power multiple awards or categories under a single portal.
    • Workflows are built into the award nomination process based on interactive forms.
    • Capture unique data per award/category.
    • Auto categorization into “groups” feature within Reviewr.
  • Initial staff review.
  • Prescreen nominations to a Review committee.
  • Multiple ways to assign nominations to a review committee.

Submission management software assign submissions to judges

    • All review committee members are assigned to all award nominations.
    • Group or category-specific assignments.
      • Committee is assigned to batches of entries.
    • Randomization
      • Each review committee member is assigned a random number of nominations.
        • For example; each committee member is assigned to a max of 8 nominations.
      • Each award nominee can be assigned a random set of committee members
        • For example; Each nomination must be reviewed at least 10 times.


The Review and Selection of award Recipients

  • The Review committee is assigned to nominations as outlined earlier.
  • Review committee accesses their online evaluation portal.
  • Review team is presented with a menu of award nominees to evaluate.
    • Data provided can be blinded.

Submission management Software Judge submission listing screenshot

  • Once a nomination is opened they are presented with a “split-screen”.
    • Half the page is the nomination profile.
      • Includes nomination/application form and embedded documents.
    • The other half of the page is the review/selection process

Submission Management Software Judging Page

  • Review and selection process can include multiple types of workflows.
    • Scorecards
      • Auto tabulation, weighted scoring, etc.
    • Forced ranking tool.
    • Commenting/subjective review.
    • Can use a combination of review workflows together.
  • Online evaluation gets auto-tabulated for instant and accurate results reporting.
    • Tabulated results often used to advance nominees from one phase of review to another.
    • Often times the top-ranked nominations advance to a deliberation phase before final selection.

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