Submission Builder

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Submission Builder


This is the Submission Builder page. These are the settings for your submission form.


Submission Builder 1


Submission Questionnaire Builder


Submission Forms – Here you can edit the text for questions and here’s how:

  • Select cI5Ekym2QuVDRqYFe sz4y49zfKkiIglSi1Eksvm6aVKBYh

Form Editor

  • Select o7BY7FPj4iYQm U0b6PvZts43Ae7fVEdbXndcKYUNxSpJIHPkDUyRV8XipILWKNM41mcPSyPkYovK9A8preXxjlFuOKRh4mF484lcluguzkaQc5hh6O4KBWpPLWe PHLR4zUJBYZ


Edit Question


  • Here you can change the question text. To change the section text, you’ll want to edit the text box labled as “Prompt Label”. Changing the “Name” text box will change the section name but doesn’t show for applicants. To change the “Required Message”, select 8Mkfn2 vgZxMigutBPXpOlNc7wuxPXvkAe 4sSlaNHNNxexN0vjaSq37ozk9eUtYx CbdHIEnrAet2eaOwm6RiZnDQa NEFMNIm7KPbU9RjWMZyZkpvnuklpXPIdOvjoHsW 1CE.


Question Settings


  • Here you can change whether a question is required and the message for when the question is required but not answered. To make it required, select q6 tGpXMP3ddd0aVMJizmrnaRIgB6fG9WOxtEP17MR9XzQKbpnArEVa5RZtRo6gNoqTm5ygtIotSzCBYuDnpcLqXevppOzvv29kmYG1 WMua79zGzgeSSUSXwBi Z1s OMI4lcGto the right of “Required Message”. To change the required message, enter the message to the right of the check box.


Copyable SignupForm Questions


Here you’ll be able to choose which questions will have the response copied over when an applicant submits another application. To select which fields:

  • Select

  • Select 9H 0XA Xdnh1JFC1hPXRCZEUHE3sVlHCgMYDriU04ifB 4wCszwycOEJ i5C4 pXXwXzdfCEoDc 53BmdAc5JvwoK83kYhTLtRtpvZ9iQqedIjJG3OBM 3BpPluVFqPBsjFPKiMunext to each field you want to have copied over

  • Once done, choose jOCEDJ6Mk9pJRu8HK801T5xALgBh gUkuMU1ukUv NQ


Submission Builder 2


Group Categorization


Here you can choose whether certain answers to certain questions assign applications/submissions to a group. Here’s how:

  • Select rytyJz4uS8zf2JIOAhQ7ZfYbvS2Yq4wrroqVW7hvwcmcWqu4Xh4POeZnXqGRe3AY9XOUe7Leza5VdeTB0K9piNNV5SK1WVqxEdmOsHgP6R4nnnM29Eoswr5q THubEJHYmnZHkb6


Edit Group Categorization


  • Choose which question you want to assign from, from the dropdown

  • Then select VZAHP9rEiuugYZbeDSrXRuptbGCyUSlGpL9VnNazCVC2JcMrH2tMrr o3bnRp 0BaU1KtVI5H3rJW30VKJiGkuxhQnSv5 F0eWtg


Edit Group Categorization 2


  • Choose which answer you want to assign from, from the dropdown

  • Then select Gf IRqodtwtFOZLd8mSHgO YQ6 PjpNh2f8PVf5KkGV7cUM61DniHN5S8. Selecting w4H3a9zRlc2TjC4Mc op2Gw dKvSX4cGeDAAdao1EY5Y9NkFAxKrWmBNePzX7Ehlkrgi3mQcsUp8ZK3FIgh vN TH1YLZ2LyrEexPaLvn1wt4wsDWm2Wgt4z5lyXyVXokUg8fr 2 will add a group assignment for every answer option for that question.


Edit Group Categorization 3


  • Choose which group you want to assign to, from the dropdown

  • Then select BDlFffkf1Q WU0Cyaksk TJSAWs5D9jicehqmE FAIgmLzUx6G87AERAlEypXrasYAtYLVguiv1jN518kynoZWoaUdnHCrRLmV8XGlN1N2z OCJ0Qk lS5DZvlpwVBs


Edit Group Categorization 4


  • Once your screen looks similar to the one above, select knGgLEFVAe6FngSCQ4TTVL0SGvs


Division Categorization


Here you can choose whether certain answers to certain questions assign applications/submissions to a division. Here’s how:


  • Select 1qw59D3dR5bvk1N42Tq09OXhiPXet7hnasNVlgrcp 2zZAa k6sPDBCxSWrXULC1RLxmfKxfmj4b5Pq5skqalnNLbJrkO zJPq1HwpISES FohNfgpDtE9GAONpvz 3qeDRvkgoq


Edit Division Categorization


  • Choose which question you want to assign from, from the dropdown

  • Then select kMSh8NxCY8WTDkMOMF9WW5X5fiAKHxkj6WKQ2DHYx 5rD7LCOQNLZeuxMe8NFPztWfsnpbS89GuRIMEzKoP xjvT5x1kUS qym0IwSlWDczkB5o6C8IS8lHIP1IcN9Ae4IOqlous 


Edit Division Categorization 2


  • Choose which answer you want to assign from, from the dropdown

  • Then select M7JDZTY9iLh0 8c6pPYvx7BwwpdRdr8iTx 4zhqdmaEYCU5pSA6zuGqx6xqCbkh6UYk6qHyYNw6fKD38di. Selecting w4H3a9zRlc2TjC4Mc op2Gw dKvSX4cGeDAAdao1EY5Y9NkFAxKrWmBNePzX7Ehlkrgi3mQcsUp8ZK3FIgh vN TH1YLZ2LyrEexPaLvn1wt4wsDWm2Wgt4z5lyXyVXokUg8fr 2 will add a group assignment for every answer option for that question.


Edit Division Categorization 3


  • Choose which division you want to assign to, from the dropdown

  • Then select 5cKlm7tPeN51UzGrRxNOl2xLZrsAfJ X32DTyH RSp50udaWIMgyNpKhmkK D5kFvuGte



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