Judge Portal – Questions/Comments and Notes

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Judge Portal – Questions/Comments and Notes


QuestionsComments Judges

Questions/Comments can be used to ask questions or make comments to the applicants that are visible by other judges and event administrators.

To add a Question/Comment, select JrR9kpdltG8R9vEJGh6wjj Ona0KV60d. After you’ve filled out your Question/Comment in the provided text box, select . To go back, select . To view an existing comment, select . To edit an existing comment, select pyINvgQnTAYfMXbsqZ6SLirPamj P D3G2q5jyHozkHNgZNXV591V7WDvVAiSWjwoRsalqOTrxpul vjySjqHKWc7eF9YFHqArE98D59 hLFvDYdhPe9V4rqE2hC6r8oyX6b pqo. Once the edits have been made, select 5mh6v1Tbl0lIQM fP9K1a4P3DlklHZ5qroudgPPewDYOsnBtcaI8YiGuZQ8RdGGA 63rV7w KCslYZaD HEbSVxfOZp. To go back, select eypo0r qwEUL005Uhmzr GWbyTwKtuHMV8 L0p ZeD 9XfTrl5vyb2LEL4RQG w7XiiO8n3g9L qJDN84 U DsEuE5eKnz5


Notes Judge

Notes can be used to note things that other judges and event administrators can see.

To add a Note, select 57FsutjxTDx5Q87EkL3Td8BLrCqf37kdNR. After you’ve filled out your Notes in the provided text box, select Ofa6OwVLqvMBQhaDOTJMFEl8PeTruefm1PXZ10TYWidoKlHbEdb55x7oBgc3D0QToWPfXTqxFDIPuvwzLFZvz5Sh U0FmTQfST0VkAXP vOjuwnuUXCBg9TEtJRSI55VVnjjBvT. To share your notes with other judges, select the 9ud7zDZNlQisNswCiFZYme98prQjRQw567A F QZjJ6YAzTNZHoRpHwIDbc kWLjJckFUwe jvq6juTA67EJLmZoV2Vnq1CWdGb next to “Share with other judges”. To go back, select ljbOrqT5bcAAerosX00JMpiRl FtOUw3R0VrupfqiFpMop7dtCo2aiUaGpYKT7qDt5qBi89 oTYUMsns6ppQM7GLBrqLPRzqMohIFLWvWmpWdlLd6BVrECh7bmi6N1Z0A6Go94Ue. To view an existing note, select uPoPuSdmwmg1gEp1YARJlyI RgRLhj iEvFJ1KSJxhIQ ludhvXE3h84mYqaeDpYbEai4cblrcaO55ZecxQOmcPtwV7 Wek0lvQ0rp6Fs53CauD6igXH7dgYZoY9ZkFF47hJu R. To edit an existing note, select 9mudezZiE5X8tsvaQ5RJoyT9LIqofv8fdCOEobY9ElPgdXMeKJ. Once the edits have been made, select . To go back, select vVDn92dcgoYq E6p

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