Manage ARPA Grants from Start to Finish

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Webinar – Managing ARPA Grants from Start to Finish

Managing ARPA grants (or any grant for that matter), can be an overwhelming experience. Fret not, that’s why Reviewr exists. With nearly a decade of experience powering grants, scholarships, fellowships, awards, etc – Reviewr has both the tried and tested online platform to power these programs, but also a war-chest of knowledge and best practices. Today, we are going to look at the three main elements that make up an ARPA grant (or any grant) and how to manage them.

Topics for discussion:
  • Grant applicant profiles
    • Data collection
    • Financials
    • Document Management
  • Review and selection
    • Blinding/compliance
    • Assignments to review team
    • Scoring/deliberation
  • Post awardee grant reporting
    • Centralized ongoing data capture
    • Note taking/Communication
    • Accountability and Tracking
    • Treasury reporting
Grant Applicant Profiles:
  • Grantee profiles hold applicant/selectee information for the entire lifecycle of the grant.
  • The first step that makes up an applicant profile is the grant application.
  • The grant application should collect the essential data that later will be used in the review and selection process of grantees.
  • Common application data includes:
    • Personal information about grantee.
    • Short answers/essays.
    • Financial/Budgets.
    • File uploads.
    • External files such as references.
  • Consider using adaptive form logic to guide applicants and collect more specific data.
    • For example, some grant categories may have different data requirements than others.
  • Profiles can continue to grow.
    • Intent to submit.
    • Full grant application.
    • Multi-phase deliverables.
    • Grantee reporting.
  • Profiles also hold onto evaluations, communication, etc.

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Review and Selection:

  • Evaluation team assigned to groups of submissions
    • Leverages Reviewr grouping feature
    • Can assign a committee to groups of entries, or broken down manually for specificity
  • Review committee accesses the Reviewr evaluation portal
  • Grant review committee is presented with a “menu” of grant applicants
  • Data such as demographics and personal info can be blinded from review teams to ensure compliance
  • When viewing a grant application review teams have a split-screen
    • Half of the page is the submission content including the entry, files, etc
    • Other half of the page is the selection criteria/evaluation workflow
    • Evaluations can leverage a combination of:
      • Scorecards with auto tabulation
      • Rankings
      • Subjective comment review
      • Interviewing
    • Once scores are submitted its common to leverage data to begin deliberation
    • Deliberation can be combined with scoring data for final results and rankings
    • Once the selection process is complete, feedback can be triggered back to the applicants for self development, growth, and proof of a transparent workflow

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Post Awardee Grant Reporting:

  • Once grantees are selected their journey doesn’t end
  • Avoid disconnected data and workflows caused by managing post grantee workflows outside of Reviewr
  • Ongoing grantee engagements often consist of:
    • Ongoing grantee data collection
    • Grant reporting
      • Tracking, follow-ups, approvals, etc
      • Communication
      • Note taking
      • Feedback sharing
    • Awardee grant reporting powers federal Treasury reporting
      • Auto-generated Treasury reports

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